
CATEC and the University of Jaén meet to discuss the development of joint projects within the Cetedex.

12 December 2024|Tags: , , , , , , |

The meeting focused on the joint development of aerospace technologies, oriented to unmanned autonomous vehicles, as well as technologies oriented to anti-drone systems and the possibility of analyzing and experimenting these developments in the ATLAS facilities in Villacarrillo.

More than 70 people attend CATEC’s 2nd Annual Conference on Technological Trends in the Space Industry

25 November 2024|

On Thursday 21 November we held our 2nd Annual Conference on Technological Trends, which in this new edition focused on ‘Technologies and Opportunities in the Space Industry’. The day was also attended by the head of ATLAS, Macarena Márquez Piñero.

Grant from the Diputación de Jaén to implement in ATLAS an efficient system for measuring radio frequency antenna specifications using drones

1 November 2024|Tags: , , |

The Diputación of Jaén, through the Instituto de Estudios Giennenses (IEG), will finance 22 studies related to natural sciences and technology with 85,000 euros, all of them with a common link: the interest for the province of Jaén. These include a joint project between the Advanced Centre for Aerospace Technologies (CATEC) and the University of Jaén to implement an efficient system for measuring radio frequency antenna specifications using drones at the ATLAS experimental flight field.

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