UAS platform validations

UAS platform


ATLAS offers the international aeronautical community the first permanent scientific-technological facilities to safely carry out testing, simulation and validation of technologies applicable to UAVs and air traffic management (ATM).

This infrastructure is addressed to companies that develop, manufacture and operate unmanned aerial systems, regulatory authorities, official bodies, as well as universities, technology and research centres, and offer them innovative facilities and a unique setting to carry out research activities and development of technologies applicable to unmanned systems and air navigation.

The main activities to be carried out at the center are fundamentally focused on studying how to improve the capacity of unmanned systems and aircraft and test their effectiveness in the air.

UAV platforms and hangars

UAV platforms

and hangars

ATLAS has a fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles that are used as an experimental platform for flight testing its technologies in this field. These vehicles are also made available to external companies and entities interested in using them to validate new systems and conduct their own tests.

Similarly, CATEC offers its clients its avionics developments and integration capabilities in UAVs, as well as support in the certification processes of the systems.

Additionally, CATEC offers its clients its avionics developments and integration capabilities in UAVs, as well as support in the certification processes of the systems. On the other hand, the hangars are available for preparing and verifying equipment prior to conducting experimental flights. They are equipped with the necessary electrical, network connectivity, and compressed air facilities for such tasks. Within the same building, there are independent workshops that can be used by users or clients as mechanical work areas, as well as meeting rooms to facilitate flight plan preparation and data analysis from various experiments.

Customer orientation, agility and confidentiality in each project

Systems validation on aerial platforms

Systems validation

on aerial platforms

This new turnkey service, in addition to being 100% customizable and adaptable to the client’s needs, is unique in the sector, offering a series of advantages that currently do not exist in the market. Among them, it is worth noting that it will allow reducing risks and validating subsystems / functionalities at an early stage of the project, and it will carry out complete system validations in an environment very similar to the operational one.

For the execution of these services, clients will have a team of professionals expert in the field, endorsed by their demonstrated experience in planning and executing flight campaigns.

Other services

ATLAS offers its clients the following additional services:

  • Management and coordination of flight operations.
  • Management of documentation, permits and insurance for flights and campaigns.
  • Events organization
  • Air surveillance radar (TCAS, Doppler/Lighting/Weather software).
  • Aeronautical radio (ADS-B) and weather station.
  • Auxiliary staff for maintenance, security, cleaning, etc.